Reinventing the Future of Cold Expansion
Cold Expansion Solutions
Expanded Bushings
PartWorks expanded fit journal bushings offer customers a higher performance product yet with simple and fast turn-key installation. Customers can enhance bushing and structural performance, and eliminate bushing installation processes prone to error, without damage from pressing or hammering, or exposure of workers to cryogenic materials. Custom bushing solutions for general purpose manufacturing or for fatigue and damage tolerance enhancement can be validated by PartWorks analytical or experimental expertise. Bushings are available in all common aerospace bushing materials: Cres, Al-Ni-Bronze, and Ti, and with plating as per customer requirements. Custom configurations can include lubrication grooves, fluid ports, and unique application-specific configurations with the use of our hand-held hydraulic tool.
Ultra Thin-Walled Rivetless Nut Plate
Our bushed rivetless nutplates bring corroded holes back to nominal with only minimal material removal while maximizing cold expansion and life extension. Data generated from extensive ONR and AFRL-sponsored research have shown life extension improvements comparable to that of a brand new, uncorroded structure. When combined with our adhesive, our patented repair method holds the promise of providing a long-range barrier to further corrosive damage.
Engineered Residual Stress
PartWorks products provide residual stress solutions for the fatigue and damage tolerance enhancement of fastened structure or single pinned joints. We work with customers to identify the critical product and process parameters to drive the design solution. This can include applied interference levels, minimum compression in the structure or not to exceed tensile stress limits. The designed configuration can be evaluated with analytical models, FEA, as well as experimental techniques including digital image correlation (DIC) and physical testing to ensure that the product and installation function as desired.
Handheld Smart Tools
We are developing the world’s first high performance handheld cold expansion tool. Data collected from the tool can validate that the process was done correctly using parameters derived from our extensive fatigue test programs. This ensures that there is documentation that a specific hole was repaired, and repaired properly, which supports the case for life extension credit.
Explore the possibilities